Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Chilika Lake

By : odishavisit

Chilika Lake is a salty water tidal pond, spread over the Puri, Khurda  and Ganjam areas of Odisha state on the east shoreline of India, at the  mouth of the Daya River, streaming into the Bay of Bengal, covering a  space of more than 1,100 km2. 

It is the biggest seaside tidal pond in India and the biggest saline  water tidal pond on the planet after The New Caledonian obstruction  reef. It has been recorded as a conditional UNESCO World Heritage site. 

It is the biggest wintering ground for transient birds on the Indian  sub-landmass. The lake is home to different bargained kinds of plants  and animals. 

The lake is an organic framework with gigantic fishery resources. It  upholds more than 150,000 fisher–individuals living in 132 towns on the  shore and islands. 

he lagoon has in excess of 160 kinds of birds in the apex transient  season.  Birds from to the extent the Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, Aral Sea  and other distant pieces of Russia, Kirghiz steppes of Kazakhstan,  Central and southeast Asia, Ladakh and Himalayas come here. 

These birds travel significant stretches; some of them potentially travel upto 12,000 km, to arrive at Chilika Lake. 

In 1981, Chilika Lake was assigned the principal Indian wetland of worldwide significance under the Ramsar Convention. 

Palm Leaf

As per an overview, 45 percent of the birds are earthly in nature, 32% are waterfowl, and 23 percent are waders.

