Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Duduma  Waterfall

By :

The Duduma waterfall are arranged in the limit of the Koraput (Odisha) and Visakhapatnam (Andhrapradesh) locale of India. 

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Be sure to pack




Hiking Boots

A Good Camera

Warm Clothes

The horsetail type of waterfall is of a height of 175 meters (574 feet)  and formed by the river Machhkund. It has two subs – streams, one  towards Odisha and the other towards Andhra Pradesh. 

The Duduma is around 92 km from Koraput and around 177 km from Visakhapatnam is far away. 

This machhakunda is a pilgrimage. Near this waterfall are the aboriginal tribe of bonda, gadabas and parja are lived. 

Machhakunda hydroelectric project is situated near Duduma waterfall.  This is a collaborative project between government of Odisha and the  government of Andhra Pradesh. The installed capacity of the project with  six units is 120 MW. 

Palm Leaf

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