Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Nalabana Bird  Sanctuary

By : odishavisit

The Nalabana bird sanctuary, or Nalbana Island, is an area of marshy  land in Chilika Lake, named Ramsar. It was pronounced a bird safe-haven  under the Wildlife Protection Act in 1972.  

Thousands of birds descend in the migratory season at the center of the  park. After the monsoon, the island disappears because it comes in  contact with water again after the monsoon. 

Nalaban means a weed – laden island in the Odia language. It is a  prominent island at the center of lake with an area of 15.53 km 2  (6.00sq miles). During the monsoon season, the island gets completely  submerged. 

When the winter monsoon is less, the level of the lake decreases and the  island is slowly open, the wide number of birds flocks to its surface  on a wide variety of issues. Nalbana was notified in 1987 and declared a  bird sanctuary under the wildlife protection act 1973. 

Many types of birds are found here, including rare birds. The rare birds  found in the lake are Asiatic dowitchers(NT), dalmatian pelicans (VU),  pallas’s fish – eagles (VU), very rare migrant spoon – bill sandpipers  (CR) and spot – billed pelicans(NT).  

The white – bellied ocean hawk, outsider kite, brahminy kites, kestrel,  swamp harriers, and the world’s most far and wide flying predator,  peregrine bird of prey, are seen here.  Along with the changing beaches  of the lake and islands, too many small – footed noisy birds are seen in  a narrow band. These include plovers, collar pratincole, ruff, dunlins,  snips and sandpiper. 

Larks, wagtails, and lappings are also found on moderates. The  long-footed avocets, the stilt and the godwits feeding in to the deep  waters. The high vegetation areas of the lake support moorhens, coots and  jacanas. With kingfisher and rollers, the herons of the pond can be seen  along the coasts and nocturnal herons.

Palm Leaf

Nalabana Bird Sanctuary

