In western Odisha, chaul bara, a snack or breakfast meal made with rice, is very common. Rice and Vigna mungo|Black gramme (Biri) should be combined in a 10:1 ratio and soaked for at least five hours in freshwater.
Filter the water, then grind it in a thick shape using a grinder or a collection of grinders.
Add a tiny bit of crushed onion and a pinch of baking soda to the mixture. It will be edible once the thick mixture has been thrown into the heated oil and has turned red and crispy.
Western Odisha’s famed breakfast.
It goes well with everyone's breakfast. Now, you can find it wherever in Odisha.
Western Odisha kids who have left home for higher education miss this terribly. But, amazingly, a CHAUL BARA at a modest hotel or on a sidewalk is more delectable than one in a large restaurant.
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