The Khandadhar waterfall far from Rourkela via Bonaigarh is 104 km(65mi), and from Keunjhar is 132 km(82mi).
There is an interesting legend among the Pauri Bhuiya tribal living in the vicinity of Khandahar. Legend has been reproduced from outlook (magazine). A Pauri Bhuiya legend explains how his mountain became so munificent.
The Kalinga commercial corporation limited operates the kurmitar mines located in the Khandahar hill range in 133 hectares. It exports manganese ore to China to iron ore and Korea.
At the turn of the mountain top current, Khandadhara falls are partially dry. There are mines in the area spread 1,212 hectares has state-owned Odisha mineral corporation It has signed agreements with Adhunic Metaliks and Rexon Strips for the supply of iron ore.
The government of Odisha intends to give 2,500 hectares of the lease to POSCO India. There has been local opposition and the matter has reached the courts. The court verdict is awaited till 2012.