Gandhamardan Hills also has a lot of historic importance as it was once a seat of Buddhist culture in ancient Odisha.
In the Tretaya Yug (the Silver Age), Jambavan (the unerring counsellor of Lord Rama) had suggested Vir Hanuman to bring Bisalyakarani ere dawn, so that Laxman would rise back to life.
Gandhamardan Hills are a rich source of diversity for medicinal plants. The Botanical Survey of India has reported the existence of 220 plant species of medicinal value.
Many medicinal plant species of Gandhamardan Hills such as Clerodendron indicum, Rauvolfia serpentina and Plumbago zeylanica, which were once available in plenty, have become scarce.
A study recorded 2,700 angiosperms and 125 species of important medicinal plants, out of a total of 220 species of medicinal and quasi-medicinal and economically vital plants.
Gandhamardan is synonymous to that portion only.
At northern slope of this hill the Nrusinghanath Temple is located; whereas on the southern slope of this hill is the famous Harishankar Temple located.