By : odishavisit
The supreme lord is honored in this temple. Sunya Brahma, or the shapeless lord, is the name given to him by Mahima dharma devotees.
This sect forbids the worship of idols. The supreme lord is honored in this temple. Many individuals from other religions believe that this sect’s followers worship Surya, the sun deity, although this is untrue.
They simply pray to the Supreme Lord while facing Surya, as this is the direction of concentration.
Apart from east and west, one can choose one’s fixed direction, however once set, it cannot be modified. Joranda mela is primarily observed by Mahima Dharma followers.
The temple was constructed in the early twentieth century, but the shrine dates back to the early fourteenth century.
The Mahima Dharma was spread through Mahima Goswami’s Samadhi Peetha. Although the sect’s principles appear to be similar to those of Panchashakha, Buddhism, Tantra, and Jainism, Mahima Dharma is a separate religion in the history of Indian religions.